Sunday Reading 10-9-11

Sunday’s are never second especially as we look back at what went right in the week of comics. We are looking at a lot of #2’s this week and not all of them are from DC. This week we look at:  Animal Man #2, Action Comics #2, Detective Comics #2, Stormwatch #2 and Casanova: Avaritia #2.

Well it looks like with the new 52 DC is really trying to up its game and not only does it have the people talking but it has the Bloc talking as well.  It’s all 2s Sunday as the Bloc writers and Editors have looked deep into their bloc-o-comics and found these gems that got it right this week.

Stormwatch  #2

Two issues in and I’m still intrigued with this series. As I’ve said before I never read Stormwatch so I’m just getting to know a lot of the characters, but there’s enough variety of personalities and interesting takes on relationships already spouting up, that I want to know more. Martian Manhunter continues to be a highlight for me and it seems that Paul Cornell actually gets just how powerful and interesting my favorite Martian is. Seeing that J’Onn was playing possum last issue and using the whole situation to his advantage as a very nice touch.

While there’s plenty of action still happening, it all serves as a backdrop to setting up what is obviously from the begging going to be a major conflict, so while I might usually complain about 2 issue of set-up here it works well to establish the scope of what’s coming.  Also the subplot of who controls Stormwatch and their ongoing recruitment process is adding that little extra drama to keep things interesting.

Its the little touches that are keeping it on track for me; I like how they establish that they are a secret organization and show how they manipulate things to keep it that way.  The use of powers and general miss-direction are well played. However, I wonder how many times they can get away with such a thing before one of the “capes” starts to realize something is not quite right. Of course that could lead to a very interesting crossover with the Justice League, so hopefully we’ll see that played out.

Animal Man #2

Animal Man has had quite the fan following since his days under the care of Grant Morrison. Sometimes after such a character defineing run it’s hard for other writers to pick that character up and do anything with them that really matters. Adam Scheiwe seems to think that Jeff Lemire has already made that attempt and succceded, even at only 2 issue in to this new series, let’s see what he has to say about that:

“Last month I talked about this book as being the underdog, a fitting analogy for Animal Man. I mean, besides Grant Morrison who ever made the character matter? Well with the second issue I think Jeff Lemire has made Animal Man king of the Dark jungle. This book is near perfect in terms of pacing, content and tone. Seeing the Red impact the Bakers’ family lives is a sight to see as we learn what Maxine can do and how strong she really is. You really feel like this is a true family dealing with an issue they don’t understand, reacting as if it were a disease, which looking at the tone of the book it may be. And if Travel Foreman doesn’t get elevated to superstar after this series I am not sure anything can. He can create suspense, horror, action and emotion in these pages that only drive home how human and primal this story is. Every book under the Dark banner has been amazing so far, but Animal Man is something special, a truly human story that is equally horrifying as it is heartfelt.”

If you have ever been a fan of Animal Man or had even a passing interest in him it seem like now would be a good time to check him out.

Action Comics #2

Up up and away! It seems even Superman is experiencing the benefit from the new 52 from the DCU. Robert McSantos thinks that issue 2 of Action comics is even better than the first and since it’s continuing greatness that brings readers back, Action Comics seems to be on a great path to giving people what they want, here’s what Robert had to say:

“Better than the first issue. That one gave use a few obscure references, but this one has several of the more well known Superman rogues entering into the story. Sharp eyed readers may notice one particular background character in both issues who will apparently be the primary antagonist of the entire run. Hint: he’s also in this issue’s back-up feature. Speaking of the back-up, keep in mind that it does cost a dollar extra, but the behind-the-scenes stuff is fascinating, and the sneak peak of next month’s issue will help make the month long wait easier to bare. The issue also makes good use of the new universe by establishing some logical connections between two similar characters who weren’t connected previously. And on top of all that, there’s a legitimately funny moment in the issue as well. Even Superman can’t help but laugh at it!”

Humor in a comic book now that is something special. Remember folks the moral of the story is comics are supposed to be fun, so it’s nice to see that creators remember that and that not all stories has to be riffed with drama and doom and gloom to be interesting.

Detective #2.

From the skies of the DCU to its alleyways we now get a look at how the new 52 is treating Batman. Josh Hamman seems it’s doing mighty fine, in fact it is one of the few series that Josh finds himself wanting to continue to read. Take it away Josh:
“Few of DC’s 52 made me really want to read the next issue. Detective Comics carries a 70 year weight that pushes its new teams to their best. Number 1 was among that short list. And I’m glad I made the trip to my Local Comic Shop to grab number 2. Tony S. Daniel has proven that he has the mind and the hand to take Batman into a dark and interesting place. Beginning with the Joker, as it feels right to have been, Tony and the rest of the team have almost introduced us to the Dollmaker. Without spoiling anything, eternal Batman characters lives hang in the balance for issue 3.

Personally I don’t know how much freedom creator have been given for their reinventions in the new 52, but this book makes me want to find out. The art is well done, and it’s enjoyable for this fan to see the writer and artist be the same. There are double page spreads, that if the writer and artist were separate, would never have made it, but they work well, and showcase Mr Daniel’s talents to draw Batman as the dark detective he is.

This book with its number one caught me by surprise, while I knew DC would not let Detective #1 go to anyone, I was pleasantly surprised by it. Number 2 is even more compelling than the first issue. If Mr. Daniel can continue the darkness and intrigue he has for the first two issues, this will be a hit, regardless of its monumental title.”

I must say that Batman in the new 52 has been the most interesting he has been to me in years. I’m mostly seeing him in other series such as the JLI and JL and JL Dark, but from reading Josh’s review it sound like Batman has really been revitalized and made a character with an eye on the future.

Top Recommendation: Casanova: Avaritia #2

In the large volume and coverage of the New 52 for DC sometimes smaller books can get lost in the shuffle and not get the exposure they so rightly deserve. This week I’m happy to give one such book that spotlight. Adam Shewie has some great things to say about this book and the fact that this book has a creative team you could find on any top notch DC or Marvel title really makes it something to check out. Let’s check out Adam’s thoughts:

“There is a Samurai fighting pandas on the cover of this book. I am going to let you think about that before going on.

Wondering how you didn’t pick this book up now? Good. Because I am going to name a few things this book contains that are going make you wonder that even more; Hellboy, Wonder Woman, Captain America and about 13 David Bowies all die in this book. Matt Fraction himself appears at comic con. The book contains this very issue in its pages, 3D fight scenes, samurai battles, a panda being in the wrong place at the wrong time, full frontal male and female nudity, and connections to every other issue this series has released as well as a dew universal genocides at the press of a button.

This book is so deep that multiple readings are required, and if you go back and read older issues after reading the new one stuff makes a little more sense. Fraction really cuts loose in this book and you can tell he is having fun playing up the cosmic Kirby spy epic that this book is. And the art? Bá blows this issue up with his crazy layouts and action scenes, the book looks amazing and I really think gets better every issue. This is one of the best books on the market and I hope you’ll try it out.”

So that’s it from our comics stacks this week folks; we bought our books, we read them and we found what we thought deserved to be brought to the forefront of the comic collectors universe. I know there are many more great books at their that may deserve the spotlight, but unfortunately our time and budgets only leave room for so much. Hopefully we’ve given you something to think about and maybe brought something a little better into your favorite hobby.

Till next Sunday I’m your host Skip Scherer (lionknight) and I’ll be seeing you on the Bloc.

Skip Scherer

Sunday Reading 10-9-11